About the Project:
This is an action research project which attempts to fill some gaps in research in relation to youth at risk of exclusion and criminalisation. The main objective of the project is to contribute to the prevention and reduction of violence among the youth at risk of criminalization through their participation in youth-centric civic engagement initiatives. There are three major components in this project
1) Mindfulness Training and Cognitive Behavioral Training(CBT)
2) Improving capacities of youth to develop content for a Youtube channel and community radio
3) Research on construction of masculinity among youth at the risk of criminalisation
4) Voluntary work to enhance civic consciousness and increase their visibility
Sep 2018-Sep 2020
Currently Hyderabad
Review of CBT sessions being shared by the participant
Yugantar team taking note of the list of risky situations listed by the group
Facilitator explaining the group activity
First episode of "Do Raahein" program in collaboration with Radio Charminar
DCP South Zone, Mr.Ambar Kishore Jha talking at the inaugural session of "Do Raahein" program
Breathing exercise being practiced by the youth as part of mindfulness training
Participants having fun during the sessions
Categorization of risky situations, listed by the groups
Participants tasting different flavours of ice cream as part of mindfulness training
Vox populi-interview of youth during elections 2019
Women of Hyderabad series on Yugantar youtube channel "yugantar"
Sashi Kumar, Director, Yugantar addressing the concerns of the participants during "Do Raahein" program